June 28, 2021 Willie Pep

In the 40s of the last century, gynecologist Arnold Kegel from America developed an effective complex for the treatment of urinary incontinence, which is observed in many women after childbirth. Subsequently, this gymnastics became a real salvation for women with prolapse of the uterus. CVS diseases. Complete or partial prolapse of the pelvic organs Various tumors. Immediately after genital surgery. Many women have found this method to be the most effective. Exercise can help cure many women’s illnesses. It is also recommended to perform them for their prevention. Kegel exercises It is necessary to start gymnastics with a small number…

May 18, 2021 Willie Pep

If you’re doing fitness or bodybuilding, what should be your muscles? Volumetric and embossed. It is these signs that are most often advertised in thematic magazines. And the relief plays a more important role than the volume. In addition, in bodybuilding competitions, the main emphasis is precisely on these muscle criteria. But I must say right away that the relief and the harmony that is achieved without harm to health are completely different concepts in their essence. The “dry” state that bodybuilders try to maintain before a competition can last for a maximum of several weeks. As for an ordinary…

May 18, 2021 Willie Pep

Do yoga or gymnastics To lengthen your legs with exercise, do squats, warm-ups, and splits. Yoga and gymnastics are very useful especially in childhood and those who did it grew up healthy and tall. Basketball and football Also, to lengthen your legs through exercise, follow regular workouts, do not skip them. Also try to eat only healthy and natural food, which is more protein and vitamins. Because you need the right products that will help you grow and lengthen your legs. Sports Tips in Pictures and Videos Long, slender legs are a delight for many men. Not every woman can…

May 15, 2021 Willie Pep

Finally, note that Recently, studies have become popular arguing that footwork does not significantly affect crawl speed compared to hands (in particular, here is a link to an English-language study). Without dispute the correctness of these tests, we note that they need to be interpreted correctly: they do not mean at all that you need to abandon the development of the legs and engage in hands, or that their technique is not so important. Firstly leg swings are essential to balancing the body and maintaining its correct position in the water – it is extremely difficult to swim on one…