
This is a simple gymnastics

June 14, 2021 Willie Pep 0Comment

This is a simple gymnastics will help normalize bowel function, get rid of constipation, bloating (flatulence), help activate metabolic processes in the anterior abdominal wall and solve the problem of abdominal obesity, “extra belly”.

Besides this diaphragmatic-visceral gymnastics will restore normal functioning of the gallbladder, liver, pancreas.

With the help of it you will solve the problem with biliary dyskinesia, which can lead to increased nervous excitability, irritability, anger, affects meteorological dependence, is one of the reasons for the development of vegetative-vascular dystonia syndrome, dizziness, temporal headache.

Kidney and urinary function will improve as you exercise. system. Your body will acquire the ability to quickly cleanse itself of the products of completed metabolism, homotaxins and other “toxins”.

Those who have diseases of the pelvic organs, andrological and genetological difficulties – will be able to get rid of prostatitis and prostate adenoma (men), ovarian cystic disease, uterine fibroids, adnexitis, prolapse of the uterus and vagina, painful menstruation, as well as enlargement of hemorrhoidal veins.

Due to the improvement of blood and lymph flow of the abdominal cavity and pelvis organs, gymnastics of DVG will have a beneficial effect on the treatment and prevention of osteochondrosis of the spine, various lumbar and thoracic-lumbar pain syndromes, sciatica (ischalgia), problems of the hip joints, varicose veins of the lower extremities and many other pathological conditions yany.

Diaphragmatic-visceral gymnastics is based on the synthesis of osteopathy, evisceral methods of correction of the abdominal organs, yogic kriyas – dynamic therapeutic exercises, such as naulikria, and various folk systems of self-massage of internal organs.

In osteopathy, good work of internal organs is very important. This is not surprising since our bodily factories for the processing of nutrients (stomach, intestines, gallbladder, pncreas), hormonal organs (pancreas), detoxification organ (liver) are located in the abdominal cavity. The abdominal organs perform many other functions as well.

Osteopaths recognize the unmistakable connection between the spine and the visceral (organ) sphere. At the same time, the reflex mechanisms of interaction make it possible to treat both internal organs through the impact on the spine (vertebro-visceral reflexes), and the spine, along the reverse (viscero-vertebral) connection, through the abdominal organs.

From the standpoint of osteopathy, the diaphragm is the main motor element for the normal functioning of the entire abdominal cavity. Contracting, descending on inhalation and pulling up on exhalation, the diaphragm performs a continuous massage of the internal organs, creates conditions for good lymph flow and blood circulation. That is why many techniques in osteopathy have as their goal the normalization of the diaphragm. Almost every Osteopathic session includes mandatory work on this respiratory muscle, regardless of the goals pursued in the treatment. After all, free breathing, good organ function and excellent well-being are necessary for every person!

So, let’s start the description of gymnastics.

Gymnastics can be performed from a starting position, standing or sitting on the chair. If you do it from a standing position – the legs are set shoulder-width apart, from a sitting position – the legs are divorced, bent at the knee joints, the feet rest on the floor. Hands are straightened at the elbow joints, resting on the knees (just above the knees). The back is straight, slightly tilted forward.

Stage 1.

Take a deep breath. We divide the inhalation into four stages – first, the lower abdomen is filled, then the middle part, then the area of ​​the hypochondria-diaphragm, then the chest. After inhaling fully (but not overly so that there is no feeling of “tearing of the chest”, strive for comfort), hold your breath for 1-2 seconds.

At this moment, try to completely relax, release all muscle tension along the abdominal wall … Straight hands on your knees allow you to keep your spine and chest skeleton without wasting the muscular efforts of the diaphragm.

Stage 2.

We exhale completely. On exhalation, the head tilts forward a little. The exhalation is done in the reverse order in four stages – chest, hypochondrium, middle of the abdomen, lower abdomen. After exhaling completely, hold your breath for a few seconds.

Stage 3.

While holding your breath – try to do several breathing movements with full chest, but without air, while relaxing the abdominal muscles. During these pseudo breathing movements, the diaphragm will contract vigorously – lower and rise.

You will feel its movements – like vibrations of a tightly stretched membrane deep inside in the hypochondrium. Make 4 breathing movements (without taking in air, holding it!) With the diaphragm. These movements can be done quite quickly, at the expense of 1-2-3-4 (for each pseudo-breath for 1 second).

Stage 4.

Continuing hold your breath while exhaling, make 4 quick jerky contractions of the lower abdomen upward. At the expense of the abdominal muscles, you first strain the upper, middle lower abdomen, and then make a strong push with the lower abdomen up.

It seems (and it is visually confirmed by a sequence of muscle contractions) that the wave of movement goes slowly down at first along the front surface of the abdomen from the hypochondria to the lower edge, and then with a quick internal wave returns up to the diaphragm.

Repeat the exercise from the 1st to the 4th stage. In total, you can do 4-8-16 or more cycles of such a diaphragmatic-visceral-osteopathic self-massage.

Don’t start doing many cycles at once – it’s hard for the body. Try to learn the exercises gradually, doing no more than 4 cycles for several days and then slowly increasing their number.

If you have acute severe pain from the abdominal organs before starting the exercise, you should not do this exercise … Before engaging in such treatment, it is advisable to understand the causes of the pain syndrome. After all, it can be either a banal eating disorder of the intestine, or a manifestation of the onset of a serious surgical disease.

In this case, you should contact a qualified allopathic specialist, such as a gastroenterologist, to exclude surgical pathology. An osteopathic doctor who is familiar with the principles and approaches of visceral osteopathy can also give many useful recommendations and correct the position of internal organs.

Gymnastics exercises will be effective if done on an empty stomach, best in the morning on an empty stomach, or at least 3-4 hours after eating. Otherwise, you will not only fail to achieve a healthy effect, but you may also disrupt the normal digestion of food.

to enhance the benefits of the exercises, as well as to work out the pelvic organs in more detail, while holding the breath, at the 3rd and 4th stages, it is recommended to make a strong compression of the muscles of the anus and perineum, while the stomach is “pulled up” as much as possible, “sticks” to the spine .

From the standpoint of osteopathy, in addition to the respiratory diaphragm in the body, there is also the so-called urogenital (urogenital) diaphragm or perineal diaphragm. This is a muscle-ligamentous-fascial formation, similar to a membrane, lining the perineal region.

When solving problems of the small pelvis, gynecological and andrological spheres, osteopaths must correct the work of this diaphragm. By compressing the anus, while performing DVG, you kind of pull the pelvic organs up, massage them, normalize internal blood circulation, and relieve pathological spasms. Try to gradually integrate this supplement into the main exercise and you will get a wonderful healing result!

There is another extension of the basic complex of DVG – circular sequential correction of the muscles of the abdominal wall and intestines.

This exercise is also performed while holding the breath – in a separate complex.

Stage 1.

Starting position – as in the basic version. Take a full four-phase breath.

Stage 2.

Take a full four-phase exhalation.

Stage 3.

While holding our breath, we begin to consistently contract the abdominal muscles, so that the wave of contraction goes in a circle, clockwise – from the lower abdomen, to the right side wall, then to the upper abdomen (the region of the xiphoid process of the sternum , middle of the hypochondrium), then to the left side wall and again to the lower abdomen.

We try to do the exercise carefully, strongly and, if possible, locally (with time, learn!) to strain the abdominal muscles to perform it. Visually – the abdomen seems to be moving in a circle, there is a “squeezing” effort, which promotes massage of the internal organs and the maximum subsequent cleansing of the intestines. knees. Make 4 full circles of motion. In the future, at one hold, you can do up to 8-16 movements, as far as there is air. But do not aim for too much, do not bring your body to the limit of possibilities. It is much better to do more sets, but maintain comfort and enjoy the gymnastics.

When combining exercises, you can first do several cycles of the basic complex, and then several cycles of a circular massage of the abdominal cavity.

Do not eat or drink liquids immediately after doing gymnastics. Wait 10-15 minutes, let the healing processes in your body completely settle down. Drink some lukewarm water or weak green tea. And after another 5-10 minutes you can start eating.

In conclusion, I would like to note that in addition to local health-improving effects on internal organs, DVG gymnastics has a beneficial effect on the entire body. When it is performed, sexual activity increases, a feeling of “internal energy”, chronic fatigue syndrome passes, psycho-emotional reactions normalize. You become more active, constructive and at the same time much more balanced.

Combining these exercises with the techniques of psycho-emotional re-awareness (about this method in another article), therapy of basic energy points according to the su-jok system and techniques of spiral correction spine, in a short time you can achieve much greater results than for years of taking pills or heavy nonspecific muscle training.