
Muscle breakdown into groups

May 18, 2021 Willie Pep 0Comment

The human body can be conventionally divided into several muscle groups. These are large muscles such as the pecs, back, legs, and abs. And also small secondary muscles: biceps, triceps and deltas.

This is done so that we can assemble several of them in each training day… Because we cannot pump the whole body at once. This would violate one of the “Bigger is not better” principles. And hardly any of the people will have enough strength to train all muscle groups in one day. But what muscles can you train in place?

There is an opinion that it is better to train all muscles of the same name. That is, those who participate in the same movement. For example pectorals and triceps. If you do any exercise on the chest, a barbell press or a dumbbell press, then triceps will directly participate in the work. Since its main function is to straighten the arm. And if you train these muscles in one day, then the triceps already involved in the work during the workout of the chest can be hammered with several isolated exercises.

On the one hand, everything sounds logical if not for one thing “But! Triceps are not a large muscle group, so they do not require a lot of load during training. But if we train him together with the muscle of the same name, then we can make him overwork. And when it comes to training him, then you simply will not have the strength to do it!

Therefore, the more correct decision would be to train the muscles of the antagonists. That is, those that perform different functions and are not involved in training on each other. For example, the same chest and biceps or back and shoulders.

It is also best to combine large muscle groups with small ones. This is also done so that you don’t run out of energy in the middle of a workout.

So I advise you to use the classic muscle breakdown into groups:

  • First workout: chest, biceps and abs
  • Second day: back (including trapezium) and deltoid muscles.
  • Day three: legs, triceps and abs.

With this breakdown, we have 3 training days and we will be able to load the whole body for them.

Training program for ectomorphs

Ectomorphs are more difficult than someone, build up the mass. Their very nature opposes this. Therefore, they definitely need to include in the set of exercises, in addition to the basic ones, isolating ones. They are performed at the end of the workout and “finish off” the muscles. But I wait for even heavier loads of men with this type of physique in the kitchen. The calorie surplus should be sufficient to store energy inside and not waste it again.

Monday (pumping back, biceps and abs)

Wednesday (legs and shoulders)

Friday (boost chest, triceps and abs)

Before each workout, 1-2 warm-up sets are done. The first – with an empty bar, the second – with 50% of the working weight.

Rest between workouts

Between each workout, there should be at least one rest day, ideally 2, and preferably 3. This applies to people who exercise naturally, without anabolic drugs. We will also introduce with you such a concept as a training week. This is the time during which the training cycle passes. In our case, these are 3 workouts with 2 days of rest between them. Traditionally, they decided to take a week and break it into training and rest days. It looks like this:

  1. Training days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Rest days: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday.
  2. Training days: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. Rest days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday.

You can of course choose one of the proposed options, but personally I like this one better

Training days: Monday, Thursday, Sunday. The rest of the weekend.

Thus we have the same 3 workouts, but at the same time increased rest between them.