July 10, 2021 Willie Pep

We offer you a sports nutrition complex for gaining muscle mass. This complex is based on empirical data collected from several hundred customer reviews, independent research, scientific analysis, price/quality ratio, synergy of components and a high degree of their compatibility. Sports nutrition for a set of muscle mass was chosen based on objective data, and is not related to the advertising of certain products. Who is suitable for this complex. If you are of a slim build or an ectomorph, strive to gain muscle mass in a short time, simultaneously increasing strength indicators and endurance, then the sports nutrition presented…

July 10, 2021 Willie Pep

1. 5-6 meals a day Recent studies have shown that the anabolic effect of eating lasts about 3-4 hours, despite the fact that a high level of amino acids lasts longer. Therefore, when gaining muscle mass, you need to eat quite often: the optimal number of meals is 5-6 times a day. At this frequency, the digestive system is not overloaded, and small portions of nutrients are constantly entering the bloodstream, which will nourish your muscles throughout the day. If you eat the same amount of food in 3 meals, then the absorbed nutrients will come in excess, so the…

July 10, 2021 Willie Pep

Most of the modern diets used in bodybuilding are not quite correct. This is due to the desire of each author to invent something new when creating their own diet, but in 99% of cases these innovations are completely absurd, and sometimes even harmful. Sophisticated cycling methods, preference for some specific foods, complexity in the preparation of products, ridiculous combinations — all these are attempts to bring something new to the dietetics of bodybuilding that attracts attention. If you are advised to eat horseradish with garlic, or use only a narrow range of products, for example, vegetables that have a…

July 5, 2021 Willie Pep

Dr. Bubnovsky is known for his unique exercises that put sick people on their feet. Just a few exercises will help put the organs back in place. I.P. lying on your back, bend your legs, put a ball on your stomach. Pull in and relax the abs. You should start from 20 times, then bring up to 50. Regularly performing the exercise, you can tighten the “hanging” stomach, raise the internal organs. Twisting I.P. same. Put your bent knees on a chair, and cover your ears with your hands. As you exhale, say: “Haa!”, Touch your knees with your elbows….

June 28, 2021 Willie Pep

In the 40s of the last century, gynecologist Arnold Kegel from America developed an effective complex for the treatment of urinary incontinence, which is observed in many women after childbirth. Subsequently, this gymnastics became a real salvation for women with prolapse of the uterus. CVS diseases. Complete or partial prolapse of the pelvic organs Various tumors. Immediately after genital surgery. Many women have found this method to be the most effective. Exercise can help cure many women’s illnesses. It is also recommended to perform them for their prevention. Kegel exercises It is necessary to start gymnastics with a small number…

June 21, 2021 Willie Pep

Physiotherapy should be performed in the absence of pain syndrome, the effect of exercise is achieved with absolute rest and relaxation of the spine. The exercise therapy complex effectively increases the level of emotional state, helping to recover faster. A gymnastic stick when performing exercise therapy helps to distribute the load on the body, such exercises can be practiced not only in special rooms, but also at home or on the street . The exercise therapy complex with a gymnastic apparatus includes 4 main exercises, which are further complemented by other tasks: Light warm-up to warm up all muscle groups….

June 14, 2021 Willie Pep

This is a simple gymnastics will help normalize bowel function, get rid of constipation, bloating (flatulence), help activate metabolic processes in the anterior abdominal wall and solve the problem of abdominal obesity, “extra belly”. Besides this diaphragmatic-visceral gymnastics will restore normal functioning of the gallbladder, liver, pancreas. With the help of it you will solve the problem with biliary dyskinesia, which can lead to increased nervous excitability, irritability, anger, affects meteorological dependence, is one of the reasons for the development of vegetative-vascular dystonia syndrome, dizziness, temporal headache. Kidney and urinary function will improve as you exercise. system. Your body will…

June 7, 2021 Willie Pep

Diamond The only exercise for arms and chest in the entire Greer complex. You need to sit on your heels on the mat, bending your knees, and squeeze your hands in front of your chest, spreading your elbows to the sides. It is necessary to squeeze “finger to finger”, forming a semblance of a diamond in front of you. You need to push hard, all 8 accounts. Retries – 5. Pulling the leg back The exercise is familiar to everyone from school, but here you need to do it statically. We get on all fours, take a straight leg back,…

May 31, 2021 Willie Pep

Barbell Row to the Chin Do 3-5 approaches 8-10 times. Reverse swings with dumbbells lying on your stomach Lie on your stomach on an incline bench, take dumbbells, turn your arms with the back side forward. As you exhale, spread the dumbbells to the sides, while simultaneously expanding your hands with your thumbs up. Lower back and repeat. Do 3-5 sets of 10-12 reps. IYT lifts Lie on your stomach on an incline bench, pick up dumbbells. As you exhale, raise your arms over your head with the backs up, and then lower them to their original position. Now raise…

May 24, 2021 Willie Pep

1). Starting position – lying on your stomach, put a dense pillow under your stomach to prevent extension of the spine in the lumbar spine. Hands are folded in front of you, the head rests on the hands with the forehead, try not to unbend the cervical spine. 1, 2, 3 – Raise the straightened right leg by 2-3 cm, straighten the foot (toes towards yourself), stretch the heel back, stretching the back of the leg and the muscles of the lower back as you exhale. Concentration of attention on the lower back. 4 – Return to starting position. Repeat…